The overall aim of Refocussing is to facilitate greater wholeness. To achieve this the theory provides a ‘seven foci meta-system’ to attend to people’s unmet needs in various spaces and contexts including:
Intra – personal ( intellectual, physical, emotional, moral);
Inter – personal (social- including health & economic wellbeing, relational, recreational, vocational, career);
Trans-personal ( relationship with God, spiritual development & relation to the environment).
Refocussing Counselling (RFC) or Refocussing Therapy (RFT) has been reported to be very effective for:
- couples with relational and marriage problems
- children suffering fear, anxiety, nightmares, family and relational dysfunction
- stress & other anxiety, phobic and obsessive compulsive disorders
- a suicide prevention approach
- overcoming anger
- treating and healing eating disorders
- healing, and resolving some depressive disorders
- facilitating a positive and healthy view and relationship with God
- Goal setting and problem solving
- increasing damaged self esteem and other child hood hurts
- Workplace vision and team building
- Vocational / future career and decision making options
- Training and teaching small groups in self awareness and increasing connection to God.
Refocussing provides reputable research from the University of Auckland, and Massey University (New Zealand).
REFOCUSSING COUNSELLORS are required to be registered to practice under the care and supervision of the primary Refocussing team; Dr Diane Divett, Hamish Divett and Jan Dowling.
If other websites or people offer Refocussing using or quoting Dr Diane Divett’s name and her teaching and training materials, she would like it known that she will not accept any responsibility or liability for any services offered by such persons or organisations.
Dr Divett offers training , counselling and supervision via Zoom.